We often look for ways to make our day-to-day lives more eco-friendly but Canada based Solar Ship has taken ‘going green’ to an all new level. Inspired by the Zeppelin‘s of the late 1800s, Solar Ship is developing aircraft that are powered by sunlight. Yes, sunlight powers the movement of these crafts that can weigh from as little as 150 kg (a small size one) all the way up to 12 tonnes ( a cargo freight carrier). Travelling at humble speeds of 60-100 kilometers an hour, these green-mean flying machines are kept buoyant by helium. The solar panels placed on the top of the aircraft convert solar energy into electrical energy, which is used to maneuver the aircraft during flight and power its landing and take-off. Better understanding of aerodynamics and development of light weight batteries and efficient photovoltaics have made flying possible with minimal environmental impact. Impressed? The best part is yet to come.