The field of medical research and practice has grown exponentially. Matchless innovations are gracing…
Coffee Table Science
Daily PicksHealth
Princeton researchers use light to bend DNA
by Coffee Table Science 4 minutes readGenetic engineering is a complex field in which scientists use a range of molecular…
Ever since its discovery in the 1930s, scientists and astronomers have been divided about…
The internet is ripe with bizarre stories of how a brother/ sister/ friend/ lover …
Micro black hole battery: Interview with Espen Haug
by Coffee Table Science 8 minutes readEarlier this year, we wrote about the theoretical possibility of using black holes as…
Photomolecular Effect: How light evaporates water without heat
by Coffee Table Science 7 minutes readResearchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have made a discovery that could…
Myrkl: A Probiotic Anti-hangover Pill Breaks Down Alcohol Before It Reaches The Liver. How Does It Work?
by Coffee Table Science 4 minutes readResearchers at Myrkl, a Swedish pharmaceutical company, have developed a new “anti-hangover pill”, that…
Urine Diverting Toilets – A New Age System To Produce Less Virus Than Traditional Ones.
by Coffee Table Science 11 minutes readResearchers of the American Chemical Society found that each flush in…
Milk Coffee May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties On The Human Body
by Coffee Table Science 17 minutes readCoffee is one of the first drinks a person opts for to reduce stress,…
This Device Can Help Astronomers Tackle Satellite Flares In The Sky To Get Clear Stellar Images
by Coffee Table Science 13 minutes readSatellites have become common in space, especially in the lower and medium earth orbit.…